My insides were all doom and gloom as I approached the entry, documents in hand.

Seeing the long line of people, each clutching papers, already winding a couple dozen yards out from the gateway, I hustled over to the guards in charge. “I’ve got my papers ready,” I told the first one who looked over, before adding a bit sheepishly, “I don’t have an appointment, but I have a confirmation number (hoping, in my mind, that somehow that would work in my favor).”

”What are you here for?” he asked, apparently already somewhat frayed by the growing crowd so early in the morning.  

“I’m renewing my driver’s license …  I mean, UPGRADING to REAL ID … but also a renewal,” I responded, fully expecting to be sent to the back of the line that had increased by at least another 10 people in those 10 seconds.

Then came the sweetest 14 words I’ve ever heard (only a slight exaggeration):

“Go ahead and go in. There’s an express line for that to the left.”  

Going in with low expectations

It apparently is a new day at the California DMV.

I’m only half-joking in my description of that morning. My prior visit to that portal to California bureaucracy was a journey of highs and lows, moving from one line to another before finally getting to sit and wait, on perhaps one of the hardest chairs ever made, for the outcome.

The result of that three-hour episode? A quick “no” at the end to my mother’s request for a second extension of her license as she awaited her laser eye surgery. I’d driven her to the DMV to file the request, but apparently there is no second extension allowed once you’ve failed the eye exam. (It would’ve been nice to have been told that walking in the door…)

Needless to say, I wasn’t optimistic about my mandatory, in-person driver’s license renewal visit, even though I’d done everything possible to ensure I’d get it all done that day.

Despite the long line outside, it was clear the DMV has put a focus on getting driver’s license applications processed as quickly as possible. I imagine those other folks had other business that day.

As far as the license process goes, no fewer than six people (by my count) were doing everything they could to get us done and gone as quickly as possible.

Finding and fixing the problems

The DMV has been the focus of public grousing for years. A state audit, released in late March, linked exceedingly long wait times last summer and extreme customer dissatisfaction to an agency that suffers from a “reactive” focus that also is hampered by poor technology, staffing and scheduling.

The DMV’s botched rollout of the REAL ID program in early 2018 – and how that sent wait times soaring – put a harsh spotlight on the agency, leading former Gov. Jerry Brown to call for the audit.

Since then, Brown’s successor Gov. Gavin Newsom has set one of his vaunted “strike teams” to the task of fixing the agency’s woes. Offices across the state have been opening early to handle more customers. And, in a high-profile move, California DMV offices will be closed on July 24 for a half-day so more than 5,000 employees can receive intense training in customer service and processing of REAL ID (which will meet the federal requirement for boarding an airplane after October 2020).

I’m guessing plenty of problems remain, but for now I can add my account to others I’ve been seeing lately on social media discussing happier DMV outcomes.

Angela, who helped me that day at the final window where everything was processed, handed back my stack of documents with a smile, saying “You’ve been approved.”

In all, it was 50 minutes total from parking my car to exiting the building. I still can’t quite believe it.

I received my new license in the mail in about a week. 

My goal for next time: Not looking so goofy in the photo.

Email Opinion Editor Al Franco at [email protected].


California DMV News