A California DMV worker spent thousands of hours sleeping on the job!

According to the Sacramento Bee, a California DMV data operator slept three hours a day at her desk for three years, and the department failed to take disciplinary action — despite complaints from her colleagues, according to an audit released Tuesday.

The California State Auditor’s estimated the employee misused 2,200 hours of work time between February 2014 and December 2017.

Investigators say she may have had some sort of medical condition.

Source: https://news.google.com/__i/rss/rd/articles/CBMiTmh0dHBzOi8vd2ZsYW5ld3MuaWhlYXJ0LmNvbS9jb250ZW50LzIwMTgtMDctMjUtY2EtZG12LXdvcmtlci1zbGVwdC1vbi10aGUtam9iL9IBAA?oc=5